If you grew up in the 90's or early 00's and used to spend your childhood playing video games you may have witness the creation and the release of one of the greatest multiplayer tactical first-person shooter spin-offs and a legendary gaming series having a history so deep, some visitors of this website are probably younger than, the game we all love and enjoy, the game so embedded into our past, it feels we were right there ourselves saving hostages, detonating bombs and rescuing the VIP.
The game that forever holds its place in history next to the classics like Doom, Quake and of course Half-Life, the game so popular, regular people who never spend a minute playing know the name, the game so versatile it's demographic covers all genders, all ages and all regions, the game we feel like one of our best friends, the game that transcended beyond being a regular free add-on and became one the bestsellers grossing over $11 million in the year of it's public initial release, the game we know as Counter-Strike (also called CS 1.6, CS and CStrike).

Needless to say a game like that needs a website of the same might and a legendary status, therefore we as developers have come up with the best project of our lives by creating LoadCS.com. It embodies the usability, a user-friendly environment and is designed in a way to preserve the spirit of the game as well as creating a unique and amazing experience that hasn't been witnessed before elsewhere on the internet. Here you can find all of the essentials you'll ever need for the best gaming experience.
We have different CS Editions, very helpful articles, unique modifications, amazing maps, custom-designed GUIs and themes and additionally a long list of nicknames to pick from. Each one of our game editions is fully unique and created by us specifically for LoadCS.com which is why you won't find them anywhere else on the world wide web. We as developers have years of experience in our field which is why we produce only the best and the most astounding versions both visually stunning and internally flawless.
«People choose our website to download CS 1.6 safely, swiftly and completely free of charge»
All of our CS 1.6 Editions carry the latest client build 9437 which is in fact more efficient than official Steam version due to a whole list of different factors and additional functions. That is why our game releases are used by the players all over the world and that is precisely the reason why people choose our website to
download CS 1.6 safely, swiftly and completely free of charge. So we highly recommend to take a look around our
Editions section and explore for yourselves what we have to show. We promise you won't regret it.
Aside from the editions we provide our visitors with a whole lot of other materials. The most interesting and helpful for a beginner will be
Articles. There you will find all of the essential knowledge you will ever need in order to be a successful CStrike player. From the very basic technical information to a very niche and unique secrets, you will find enough articles there to have a good read for the weekend.
In sections such as maps, mods and GUIs we have gathered the most popular, fascinating and unique materials some of which we have developed ourselves. There you will find maps that we've made specifically for our visitors, map-packs with the most essential and popular locations categorized by the type and modification, while in GUIs you will discover fresh new styles, mostly developed by our designers team. And of course in the mods sections we have collected the most well-known client-side modifications.
Getting to know the gameplay
As we've already pointed out, Counter Strike is a very famous and well-known multiplayer first person shooter, however there's always a first time for anything and there's absolutely no need to be embarrassed if you've actually never played it. You don't need to worry about a thing because we're here to teach you everything you need to know not just about the gameplay and it's properties but also about how to become a very successful CS player and reach the very top of your abilities in the game world.
Let's start from the basics and lay out CS main objectives. Depending on the specific map type the main goal of the game depends on the team you've chosen: terrorists or counter-terrorists. The three main map types in a classic Counter-Strike gameplay are:
- DE — Defuse. The main objective on these locations is to plant/defuse a bomb depending on your team.
- CS — Hostage rescue. These maps let you hold/rescue hostages depending on your chosen team.
- AS — Assassination. Here you will need to either evacuate or assassinate the V.I.P.
These tasks are pretty straightforward and easy to follow. After you've learned the maps design, it's an easy sailing from then on. Of course your main obstacle will be players of the opposite team. As it has been already said, CS is a multiplayer which means you're playing with real people, skill against skill, your ability against other people's abilities. That factor makes the game very competitive and addictive.
«Always concentrate on the main objective and make sure you put the team task on top of any other goals»
CS carries a round game system, meaning each time the task has been completed the round ends and a new one starts. It's essential to pay attention to the round time since every round has a time limit. If the timer runs out before the main goal had been completed one of the team loses. In order to equip yourself with weapons you will have to use the «buymenu» where you will spend the money you earn from killing enemies and completing the tasks.
It is possible however to play with bots in the offline mode which is a very good idea for a beginner. That way you can learn the maps and the essential skill needed for a successful team work as every round in Counter-Strike is a team effort. Being a part of the team (terrorists or counter-terrorists) comes with the responsibility. It is essential that every team player knew exactly what they're doing in order for the team to succeed.
Otherwise, you may become one of the players who fail to complete the task and let others down along with yourself. So, while playing with bots always concentrate on the main objective, either it's planting the C4, rescuing the hostages or the opposite, make sure you put the team task on top of any other personal goals like scoring the most frags or not getting killed. It might seem hard at first but once you get used to it and get good at it, it will become a very fun and satisfying experience.
Once you're capable of performing the necessary tasks and learned how to handle a gun, it's time to join an actual online server. It may take several tries to find the most suitable one, but once you do, it's going to be a great ride, granted, with its ups and downs but the reward is always greater than a failed attempt so no matter how it plays out from time to time you will always want to come back for more.
Counter-Strike Money system
RewardsKill reward- Killing an enemy rewards $300 to the killer.
Objective rewards- Interaction with a hostage for CT rewards $150.
- Rescuing a hostage rewards $1000.
Round end rewards- At DE maps, the winning team gets $3250 if winning by eliminating the opposite team.
- At DE maps, all CTs get $3250 if winning running down the time.
- At DE maps, all Ts get $3500 if winning by detonating the bomb.
- At CS maps, the winning team gets $3600 if winning by eliminating the opposite team.
- At AS maps, all Ts get a $2500 reward if winning by killing the VIP.
- At AS maps, all CTs get a $2500 reward if winning by successfully guaranteeing the escape of the VIP.
- The losing team gets:
- $1400 after losing the first round
- $1900 after losing 2 rounds in a row
- $2400 after losing 3 rounds in a row
- $2900 after losing 4 rounds in a row
- $3400 after losing 5 or more rounds in a row
- If the team wins two consecutive rounds and then loses they get:
- $1500 after losing the first round
- $2000 after losing 2 rounds in a row
- $2500 after losing 3 rounds in a row
- $3000 after losing 4 or more rounds in a row
After the condition of a team winning two consecutive rounds is satisfied then the loss bonus money changes to above where their first loss means they receive $1500 and not $1400.
- In Bomb Defusal, if Terrorists were able to plant the bomb but lose the round, all Terrorists receive an $800 bonus.
- In Hostage Rescue, all Counter-Terrorists receive an $850 bonus for every hostage they rescue, even if they lose the round.
- Every time the player injures a hostage the player will receive a -$150 penalty
- Killing a hostage will result in a penalty of -$1500
- Teamkilling will result in a penalty of –$3300, including killing the VIP as a CT
Server modifications
The first beta version Counter-Strike had surfaced on June 19, 1999 while CS 1.6 was released a bit later: September 12, 2003. Therefore it's only natural for a game that's been out for over 23 years to get a lot of new modifications add-ons and updates. It's a lot of fun to browse through all of them but since it's physically impossible, it's essential to talk about the most important part of it: server-side modifications. As of today there are over 20 different mods but we will cover the most relevant and popular ones.
This mod isn't really a mod since it's just a classic type of gameplay. The main objectives and goals we have already covered. This type of gameplay is the most popular one and therefore the most important one to know about.
This mod has one main difference from the previous: it's a non-stop action, meaning after you die you're revived immediately and back on the battlefield. The objectives are different here since there's no need to do the map tasks and the only purpose here is to kill the enemies.
This mod is something of the previous one with a twist: the more people you kill the better weapons you receive. The goal is to run up the levels ladder faster than other players receiving a different type of weapon on each of the levels. At the final level you will receive a knife and in order to win the game you'll have to make the one final kill before anyone else does.
Zombie Plague
Have you played left4dead? If the answer is yes than you won't find any trouble adapting to this mod. Basically, one of the players becomes infected with a «zombie virus» and starts running around infecting others. The objective is to either eliminate the zombies or infect every other human if you're on the other side.
This mods are all about jumping techniques. And before you may think it's boring, on the contrary, it's quite a lot of fun once you manage to master the «Long Jumping» or «Bunny Hopping». In order to finish a map you'll need to jump your way through to the end.
The idea of this mod is the same as in previous one: to finish the map. Here however we don't need to be making long or bunnyhop jumping. We will however need to use a separate technique called «surfing». But we won't be surfing the waves though, the idea is to be surfing an inclined surface which reminds us more about snowboarding but is still similar. This mod is extremely fun to play and the technique is not hard to acquire, but it does take time to perfect it and that's the main goal.
Remember kreedz/bunnyhop? Well, deathrun is the same mod with a twist and quite a big one in fact. While you and the other players are jumping your way towards the finish line one of the players, a terrorist, is carefully watching you through a bulletproof glass or a wall and activating the traps. Each trap is a mechanism designed to kill you. After you manage to get to the finish avoiding all of the deathtraps you get to meet the terrorist and murder them in a retaliation.
Don't feel like rushing a map to the finish with the three previous server-side modifications? Try a game of hide and seek, only instead of running around your house or a backyard with friends we'll be rushing the ladders up and down climbing skyscrapers and jumping from a roof to another while the opposite team is trying to catch up with a knife. Needless to say, this one is a lot of fun and a must-try for sure.
This mod is very unique and very different from any other. In it you're transported into a prison where you play a role of either a prison security guard, a warden or an inmate. A warden who's called «Simon» is there to decide the tasks for the day (each round is a day in the week). Your objectives as a security personnel are to guard the convicts and not let them riot or escape. While as a prisoner your options are to follow Simon's commands or to riot and takeover the prison wit the other detainees.